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Embark on a Career Journey
A career journey is the path you take to achieve your professional goals. Changing your profession is a big step and one that takes courage. But it can also be rewarding if you follow these four tips along the way. 札幌 セラピスト 求人
Start by making a list of your personal and professional priorities. You can then use this to find careers and industries that match your goals.
1. Find a MentorNavigating a career in mental health can be challenging for practitioners without mentorships. Finding a mentor is important, especially for women and minorities. However, a mentoring relationship may not be the right fit for everyone. For example, some people prefer to work with an established coach rather than a mentor. If you are considering asking someone to be your mentor, take the time to learn about their practice and how they work with clients. Then, decide how long you want the mentorship to last. A good rule of thumb is four to six months, but it’s important to be flexible based on your own needs.
Mentors can be found in a variety of places, including colleagues and professional organizations. In addition, some practitioners seek mentors outside of their own practice. This type of mentorship is often more informal, and the mentee can be involved in the decision-making process of how and why to change practices. Some mentees also find that their mentors are able to provide valuable guidance on how to build a private practice.
A common mistake when approaching a potential mentor is to assume that they will say yes. But there are a number of reasons why they might say no, such as lack of free time or not feeling like you’re the right personality match. If they decline, be grateful for their consideration and keep in touch through online sites or mutual associations.
One approach is to create a mentorship group. A colleague or a fellow board member of your professional association can be a good resource for helping you get started. You can then split the workload and focus on achieving specific goals. For instance, a mentor might help you write a newsletter or develop marketing materials for your practice.
Often, a mentor will have been mentored in the past themselves. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of professionalism and initiative. Mentors can teach mentees how to follow up appropriately, set clear expectations, and be proactive in their career growth. Learning these lessons early in your own career can help you avoid the pitfalls that can make a new job overwhelming.
2. Embrace Your FearsFear is something we often try to run away from, but in order to achieve success and become influential we have to learn to confront it. Whether it is public speaking, rejection or failure, the more we expose ourselves to what scares us, the easier it will be for us to deal with it. If you are struggling to get over certain fears, working with a therapist may be helpful. Therapists can dive into your fears and help you navigate through the underlying processes that trigger these reactions such as insecurity, fear of loss or a need for control.
They can also help you overcome your fears by teaching you coping skills and guiding you through exposure therapy. This technique is proven to be the most effective in overcoming fears. It involves creating a fear hierarchy which is a list of all the things that scare you starting with the least scary and working your way to the greatest, for example, if you are scared of needles, your therapist might start by exposing you to pictures of them then work your way up to actually getting blood drawn.
Overcoming your fears is not an easy task but it is something that can be done with the guidance and support of a therapist. Once you can conquer your fears, they will no longer be able to stop you from pursuing the career of your dreams.
Fear is a thief that steals your joy and stops you from pursuing the things that make your heart pound. By whispering a million reasons not to take action, it keeps you from reaching your full potential. However, if you want to live a life with meaning and purpose, fear needs to be put on trial and defeated, and the best way to do that is by going through therapy.
3. Be PreparedThe process of planning your career is not only an important part of personal growth, but also a way to ensure financial stability in the short and long term. By making a plan for your future, you are more likely to engage in positive career development activities and be prepared to take on new challenges, both of which will make it easier to achieve success in the workplace.
To start the planning process, think about what you want your life to look like in the long run. This includes the kind of lifestyle you want, as well as the professional goals that you want to accomplish in the next few years and beyond. You can then start narrowing down your options by considering the skills and experiences you have that align with those goals. You can also browse job listings for your desired industry to find out what employers are looking for and how much experience is required.
Once you have a list of potential careers that you would like to explore, you can start identifying the necessary steps for achieving them. This may include gaining relevant work experience, taking additional courses or training, or completing the academic requirements for the role. It is also helpful to have a network of people who are already in the roles you want to pursue, as they can provide valuable insight into what it’s really like to work in those positions.
While it is helpful to have a clear idea of what your ideal career path looks like, you should be flexible about how you get there. It is common for people to change jobs multiple times throughout their lifetime, and sometimes a lateral move can be as impactful as a vertical one. By staying open to these kinds of changes, you can create a more diverse and interesting professional story that will be more attractive to potential employers.
For example, if you want to become a sports therapist in Sapporo, you could start out working as an usher at a local stadium and then move on to marketing for a professional team before eventually becoming the director of the department. This will help you to build up a portfolio of relevant experience that will be useful when applying for this role, and it will show that you have the right attitude for the position.
4. Stay ConfidentIt’s normal to have butterflies in your stomach when you go into a job interview or when you await news about an application you’ve submitted. However, if you keep these feelings at bay and take the time to bolster your confidence, you’ll be well on your way to landing that next role.
Developing self-assurance in your job search starts long before you ever sit down with a hiring manager or write out your first resume. Spending some time thinking about the type of career you’re looking for and the types of skills and qualities that you possess will help you feel confident as you peruse open positions. You can also enlist the help of a professional career coach who can revise your resume and cover letter, practice with you for interviews, and provide guidance and support throughout the entire process.
When you do meet with a prospective employer, be sure to prepare a list of your greatest strengths and accomplishments. This will help you feel ready to share your qualifications with them and will remind you of the value that you bring to a company.
Confidence is much like happiness and sadness in that it can ebb and flow. Fortunately, it’s a feeling that can be “amplified, stretched out, and even grown to be more consistent” as you develop the tools and strategies that will allow you to remain confident in challenging situations, says LaNail R. Plummer, Ed.D., L.P.C., a licensed therapist and CEO of Onyx Therapy Group.