• cogigim892 posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    <補習班教師 10 年(教中小學生日語),在中國南開大學擔任日語教師 4 年, 提供就業支持的資深教師(之前在 Recruit 工作了 6 年)將提供適合個人的友好和禮貌的指導。 我們將讓您在日本找到工作的夢想成真。10 years as a cram school teacher (teaching Japanese to elementary and junior high school students) and 4 years as a Japanese language teacher at Nankai University in China. Senior faculty who provide career support (previously worked at Recruit for 6 years) will provide friendly and courteous guidance that is appropriate for the individual. We will make your dream of getting a job in Japan come true.