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A Course in Miracles For Dummies – Lesson 134
The thought system of A Course in Miracles is intellectually sophisticated and integrates sophisticated metaphysical, theological, and psychological concepts. It is also a very practical course with 365 daily Workbook Lessons designed to bypass the ego mind and open your heart.
This multiple session study plan teaches participants the core concepts of ACIM’s text and provides students a firm platform from which to continue studying ACIM independently or in a group. No prior ACIM study is required.
1. What is a miracle?Miracles are extraordinary and astonishing happenings attributed to the action of a higher power. a course in miracles
They are often considered as evidence of the existence of a god or gods and have been one of the primary lines of argument in favor of various forms of theism.The notion of miracles varies with the social and cultural context in which they appear, as do their functions and nature. Nevertheless, they are almost always accompanied by an explanation, whether explicit or implicit, of their meaning and significance. The explanation may take the form of a religious text or of an explanation of the natural world that supports the belief in miracles.
Belief in and reports of miraculous events have been common throughout history. Generally speaking, they are defined as occurring when something is done by nature that is beyond its capacity to do so. The more far-reaching the miracle, the higher it ranks in terms of its importance. Thus a sun that reverses its course or a sea that divides are generally considered more significant miracles than an ordinary healing.
The criteria for classifying an event as a miracle vary widely from religion to religion. Often, a religious text, such as the Bible or Quran, declares that a miracle has occurred and believers may accept this as fact. Other criteria used to define a miracle include a violation of the laws of nature. It is important to note, however, that the term “laws of nature” may be misleading, since it is not clear what the laws of nature actually are. Furthermore, it is likely that many of the events that are claimed as miracles are not genuine violations of the laws of nature at all.
In addition, a miracle may be deemed to occur when something is done that cannot be explained by current scientific theories. This includes a wide range of highly unlikely coincidences such as meeting former classmates in a foreign country decades after graduating from school or winning the lottery. While these events may be considered miraculous, it is important to remember that colossal numbers of very unlikely coincidences happen every day on Earth.
2. What is a miracle for me?A miracle is any event that transcends natural laws, inspires wonder, and displays the power of God. Miracles are a direct communication from God to His children, and they reveal that He is involved in our lives. They also demonstrate that nothing is impossible with God, and that His Love is endless.
For some people, miracles are a constant presence in their lives, and for others, miracles happen rarely. However, it is possible to see miracles every day if you look for them. For example, you can recognize a miracle when a friend suddenly recovers from a serious illness, or when someone pays off an insurmountable debt. You can also find miracles in the everyday things that you encounter: The air that you breathe, the water that you drink, the sun that rises each morning, and the food that you eat all contain miraculous components.
Another miracle that occurs often is the miracle of forgiveness. This is when you release the belief that your problems are real and other people are sinners. This allows the healing energy of Jesus to flow through you, and it releases you from the bonds of judgment.
You can experience miracles by acknowledging them and thanking God for them. You can also ask Him to show you His Will for your life. When you do, miracles can occur in all areas of your life: He can heal a diseased body, provide supernatural provision, and straighten out family relationships.
You can also recognize a miracle when you notice that the Holy Spirit is working through you to bless others. For example, you can recognize a blessing when a member of your congregation receives an unexpected financial windfall, or when you witness a miracle like divine intervention when someone becomes saved. As you begin to recognize these miracles, it will help you believe that God is always present and working in your behalf. He wants to work miracles in your life and in the lives of those around you!
3. What is a miracle for you?A miracle is an act of God to show His love and to help us believe in Him. It is an event that goes against the laws of this world and defies what we expect to see happen. The Bible speaks of miracles as extraordinary occurrences that are supernatural in nature and that God uses to reveal Himself and His will to mankind (Exodus 3:1-6).
We may be tempted to confuse miracles with dramatic occurrences that we see on the news, such as a terminal cancer patient who miraculously recovers, or a religious figure’s apparition. However, even the quiet and unexplainable events in our lives are often considered to be miracles by those who believe. For example, a job that pays more than you expected to receive, an amazing answer to a prayer, or simply being able to sleep soundly are miracles for many people.
For those who are willing to recognize them, miracles are everywhere. The very fact that you are alive is a miracle, as are the trillions of cells that work in perfect synchronization to create your body and mind. It’s easy to forget these small miracles, but it is important to remember them. It is also important to be grateful for them, as they are an indication of God’s love for you.
Gratitude for miracles is an important step toward believing in them. It is a way to show that you are open to receiving His love and support. It is also a way to let go of your need for the world to be different and accept what it is as being perfect.
If you are having difficulty believing in miracles, it’s time to take a closer look at your beliefs and attitudes. What is blocking your belief in them? What is holding you back from recognizing the miracles that are all around you? By taking a deeper look at your beliefs, you can learn how to overcome them and begin to experience the miracles that are waiting for you. You can find out more about the course in a free webinar that is offered by the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center called The Science of Forgiveness, and by listening to the audio interview of Susan with Laura Lozano called Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness.
4. What is a miracle for the world?A miracle for the world is any event that demonstrates God’s presence and power to humans. The Bible records several types of miracles, including extraordinary celestial events like the parting of the Red Sea or the crossing of the Jordan River. It also includes stories of supernatural healing and the reversal of death and disease. The Bible’s greatest miracle, however, is the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and His resurrection from the dead. These events reveal that God is active in the world, bringing life and truth to it.
The question of whether or not miracles prove the existence of God is a difficult one. Despite the enduring popularity of the miracle argument, it is unlikely that any positive or negative claim regarding the existence of God can be established solely on the basis of credible miracle reports. For this reason, the relevance of a person’s background beliefs must be considered.
Forgiveness is a key to understanding miracles and the role they play in the world. It is through forgiveness that we recognize the unreality of the world, releasing our attachment to it and its problems. Forgiveness allows us to see that the “worst sinners” are just as “awful” as we are. By accepting this, we release them from the bondage of projection and free ourselves to forgive them as well. This is what Jesus calls the miracle of forgiveness. It is the key to freedom from the illusion and a path to peace. A Course in Miracles teaches us to use it in our daily lives.