link to howeHAUS: Caitlin Trafton NMD 343/ Spring 2013 <Collection and Review of Works> I’d like to articulate the work I’ve done for NMD343. Caitlin Trafton NMD 343 Thursday 10/10/2013 <First Story Idea> POV Exercise: Story: Me against Muffy, I come out on top. This led me to my Logan story: A parrot’s […]
A Parrot Tale-Presentation
“hark” November 19th 2013 Tuesday 11:21am CAPTURED AND DOMESTICATED Pack of Trouble: Indigo Child-new set of children(demanding elders to grow) example: Bethany-”Todd wants love and happiness, for everyone.” NMD 343-Six Stages of Plot CONFLICT: why is conflict important? RESOLUTION: Shows us how people grow. In order for them to ‘transform’ they have to start with […]