link to howeHAUS: Caitlin Trafton NMD 343/ Spring 2013 <Collection and Review of Works> I’d like to articulate the work I’ve done for NMD343. Caitlin Trafton NMD 343 Thursday 10/10/2013 <First Story Idea> POV Exercise: Story: Me against Muffy, I come out on top. This led me to my Logan story: A parrot’s […]
A Parrot Tale-Presentation
NMD343 Final Presentation
TRAILER/TEASER: How to interview Story Corps PDF: This is your final evaluation of your project–the final project-based (as opposed to presented) version. You will have til the end of the day on Sunday, Dec 15th to add any finishing touched or materials to your project. You need to turn this in on time, as […]
Logan’s Story
“hark” November 19th 2013 Tuesday 11:21am CAPTURED AND DOMESTICATED Pack of Trouble: Indigo Child-new set of children(demanding elders to grow) example: Bethany-”Todd wants love and happiness, for everyone.” NMD 343-Six Stages of Plot CONFLICT: why is conflict important? RESOLUTION: Shows us how people grow. In order for them to ‘transform’ they have to start with […]